Wednesday, May 28, 2008

1. Reflection

Beat poetry exemplifies inventive elements of poetry that many other forms do not have. Because of the events leading up to the creation of the Beat poetry the poetry is written in a free form rebelling against the wars of the time. Within the individual poems there are many factors that make the poems different. With many of the poems the speaker speaks through the first person. This makes each poem extremely personal for the reader and the poet themselves. It is like a direct connection to the poet's self expression. Beat poets wanted people to know what they thought, by writing in the first person it makes one feel the connection. There are a lot of references in the poems to aspects of culture. Some of the references are in spoken of in a mocking manner. It is clear that the poets are fed up with how conformed the society has become. In the majority of the poems there are line breaks in the middle of sentences, completely going against any structure. Many of the poems do not contain seperate stanzas, but only one collection of lines. This seems to go along with the way the Beats continuously list. Whether it is listening people names, or ideas there are many repetitive factors. There are many metaphorical statements using imagery to describe actual thoughts. All of the poems come off realistic and not far fetched. The poets are clear with what they believe and state their thoughts openly. Beats is all about being free and stating what they believe, going against the constraints that have previously been set on the society due to war.

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