Wednesday, May 28, 2008

4. Response to a work of art

Jackson Pollock's Number 18

Jackson Pollock formally known as a drunk, and rebellious man changed the way many looked at art. Pollock was an artist who is directly thought of in regards to abstract expressionism. He used techniques which were different from another other abstract painter and were all his own. Much like that of the Beats, Pollock was all about freedom of expression and finding new ways to create art. Some say the paintings like Pollock's Number 18 are meant to be the representation of the energy in the movement of one's body. Instead of just paint splatters or just words on a piece of paper, the Beats, both the art and the Beat movement where created to prove a point. Each aspect were to create a new unconventional style to things that were already in existence. Much like the poetry one can see that the art of the time was also very off beat, new and different from the usual, accepted, realist way of painting.

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