Wednesday, May 28, 2008

3. Research on the group

Beats, San Francisco Renaissance and Post-Beat poetry formed shortly after the ending of World War II and during the Cold War. The word "beat" was ultimately formed using the meaning, down and out, poor, or exhausted. Beats were exhausted from the values of the world set upon by the constant wars. Their poetry was meant to express the world in a new light and bring new values to peoples' thoughts. Because of the current way of the world Beats was suppose to be unconventional and bring back the art of poetry. The art of poetry was said to be lost because of the wars. After the wars many went backed to their homes and tried to find normalcy in modern appliances and gaining back of family life. All seemed to be the same. Because of this the Beats wanted to bring back creative thinking. The Beats were mainly started by the poets Burroughs, Huncke, Holmes, Solomon, Corso, Ginsberg and Kerouac when they were in college. They started living with a different lifestyle than the norm. Some were openly homosexual, which at the time was greatly looked upon badly, and most experimented with drugs. The first Beats created the way of thinking that was soon adopted by many other poets, creating the group.

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